It's Friday! That means an end to a work week (for some) and the beginning of a fun and relaxing weekend. Friday on the blog means, that there will be a food post. Yup, you read that right! Every ... READ the POST
20 Best boots for Fall
If you're like me, then you are fully aware that Fall is a little less than a month away and you couldn't be more excited! Right?!? I'm totally done with Summer. Every August, it's the same thing. ... READ the POST
Popeye green juice
UPDATED POST It's a snowy Wednesday morning and I'm deep into my usual morning routine—Coffee in-hand, while reading through my emails. Then I see IT. A receipt for the renewal of my domain. I can't ... READ the POST
Summer essentials for the kids!
The past couple of weeks here on the east coast were hot and it sure felt like summer! It had us all very excited and spending our days playing outside but I felt a little unprepared. With a lack of ... READ the POST